Welcome to CodeContact

Taking charge of your PROject Management!

Seamlessly integrate contact, client, and project management, simplifying access to coding-related contacts, facilitating collaboration, and offering command-line efficiency for project managers.

CodeContact is a desktop app for managing contacts, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, CodeContact can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps. CodeContact aims to put the P.R.O in project management by enabling project managers to be:

  1. Productive
  2. Reliable
  3. Organised

Here’s an overview of how CodeContact can help you streamline your project management processes.

  • Store and edit information about developers and clients related to projects
  • Store and manage projects and their deadlines
  • Assign projects to developers and clients

If you are familiar with CodeContact, jump to our Table of Contents to find out what you are looking for!

If you are new here, you may start with learning How to navigate this guide and visit the Quick Start guide to onboard onto CodeContact smoothly!

Table of Contents

How can this guide help me?

If you are a new user, we hope to first inform you on how you can get started using CodeContact.

As you use CodeContact, you may also have questions on how to perform certain actions within the application. This guide thus contains a comprehensive list of Features offered with CodeContact, as well as explanations on when and how to use them.

Further questions are also answered within a FAQ section below.

Confused about the terms or formatting used in this guide? Learn how to navigate this guide here.

Confused about the visual display of CodeContact? Learn how to navigate the user interface of CodeContact here.

Navigating this guide



Term Definition
Parameter Parameters are specific details you would include about the developer/client/project.(eg. name, date joined, description).
Command An input from the user that tells CodeContact to perform an action (i.e. add a client).
GUI Graphical User Interface (GUI) represents the visual display of CodeContact that users can see.
GUI Component A subsection of the Graphical User Interface. For more information on specific GUI components, refer to this section.
CLI Command Line Interface (CLI) represents a text-based user interface to interact with the application.
Character Any letter or symbol that is recognized by the computer, and can form a line of text (eg. a , + , $ ).
JSON Javascript Object Notation
JAR file Java Archive File
CSV file Comma-separated Values File

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Parameter Information

Within the tables below, you can find out more about the parameters that CodeContact supports. These parameters come in handy when crafting commands in CodeContact.

Here are some notes about these parameters.

  • Each parameter comes with constraints. These constraints detail the specific formats of text that each parameter accepts as valid user input.
    • Not following these constraints will result in an error when entering the command.
    • Nonetheless, CodeContact will not stop working. Rather, a message will be provided to you on how to correct your command.

Common Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
n/ name of developer/client/project alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank Tom Hanks, Elizabeth 2 成龍, 潔 いさぎ 世 よ 一 いち, Ganesh s/o Ravichandran
p/ phone number of developer/client 8 numeric characters, and it should not be blank 94566835 123, 432, 5678@
e/ email of developer/client alphanumeric characters, contains an @ and it should not be blank amy@gmail.com amy!gmail.com, amy$gmail
a/ address of developer/client alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 成龍, 潔 いさぎ 世 よ 一 いち
r/ role of developer/client alphabetical characters and spaces, and it should not be blank Developer 成龍, 潔 いさぎ 世 よ 一 いち
pr/ project name alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank, used in the context or Developer/Client when assigned to project(s) CS2103T 成龍, 潔 いさぎ 世 よ 一 いち

Developer Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
g/ github username of developer alphanumeric characters, follows github username convention and it should not be blank johng, amy123 g, y
d/ date joined of developer numeric characters in dd-MM-yyyy format, should not be a future date, and it should not be blank 11-11-2023 19-11-2024, 1/1/2023
s/ salary of developer positive integers of at least 4 digits, should not be blank 5000 5000.0, 4321.32.22
rt/ rating of developer numeric characters between 0 to 5 5, 3.5 -0, -1, 6

Client Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
o/ organisation name of client alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank Google 谷歌
do/ document link of client alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank, follows standard hyperlink format google.com 谷歌.com

Project Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
dr/ description of project alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank App to allow for different juices to be ordered 成龍, 潔 いさぎ 世 よ 一 いち
dl/ deadline of project alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank 19-12-2023, Design backend, HIGH, 0 19.1.2023, 潔 いさぎ 世 よ 一 いち, NONE, 5
pri/ priority of deadline HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW 5, 3.5, -1, high, M


General Formatting

Here are the explanations behind the formatting we use through this guide.

  • Words in grey blocks (like these) usually represent any of the following:
    1. Text used in commands, such as add-developer
    2. Keys on your keyboard like Enter
    3. File names such as CodeContact.jar

:bulb: This is a blue box. It can be used for additional tips or more useful information.

:exclamation: This is a warning box. It can be used to give more details on the warnings and limitations of features.

Command Formatting

Format Explanation Example
words in [UPPER_CASE] with square brackets parameter values that are supplied by the user add-developer n/NAME n/PHONE
Items with after them parameters that can be used multiple times (or omitted completely) add-developer [pr/PROJECT]...

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CodeContact comes with a GUI to allow for nice visual feedback for our users. Here is a quick run-through of the different sections of our GUI, as well as some notes regarding the use of the GUI.

Quick Orientation



Here is a quick summary of each GUI component within CodeContact:

Name Description
Menu Bar Contains dropdown menu options for the CodeContact application.
Command Box Allows users to enter CodeContact commands.
Result Display 1. Provides CLI-based feedback upon a user command.
2. Allows users to see if their command was successful or not.
3. Provides error messages to guide users on how to use CodeContact commands.
Tabs Allows users to see different lists of information on clicking on the relevant tabs. The tabs will also automatically switch to the correct tab corresponding to the command executed.
Developers/Clients/Projects card Displays a list of Developer, Client or Project Cards. This list can be manipulated through commands like find and list.
Deadlines progress Displays the progress of deadlines for a certain project.
Deadline list with details Displays the details of the deadline in a table form.
Re-sort Click on the respective words, there will be a small black arrow that appears. You can press to resort the data eg. show date from furthest to nearest day.

Notes on GUI

If you executed a find command in developer tab and switched to the client tab, when you return to the developer tab the find results will be cleared and the whole list of developers will be shown again. This is the intended behavior of CodeContact as we hope that this can save you the time from always needing to call the list command.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest CodeContact.jar.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your CodeContact.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar CodeContact.jar command to run the application.

  5. A GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app might contain some sample data.

  6. For new users, learn to use CodeContact through our Tutorial.

  7. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

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CodeContact Tutorial (for new users)

This is a tutorial for first-time CodeContact users.

  1. Launch CodeContact. You may refer to the instructions here.
    • On launch, CodeContact will not contain any developer or client records.
  2. You will be asked to enter a password to unlock CodeContact.
    • Enter the command unlock pw/Password123! in the command box.
  3. You can change the password to unlock CodeContact.
    • Enter the command change-password pw/Password123! npw/<yourNewPassword> in the command box.

:bulb: You can always lock and unlock CodeContact using the lock and unlock commands.

  1. Let us try adding a project to our CodeContact.
    • Enter the command add-project n/AndroidApp dr/App to allow for different juices to be ordered dl/19-12-2023,Design backend,HIGH,0 dl/25-12-2023,Design frontend,MEDIUM,0 .
  2. We can then add a developer to our CodeContact.
    • Enter the command add-developer n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 r/Developer pr/AndroidApp s/4500 d/01-11-2023 g/johng rt/3.
    • Try adding more developers with different details for each parameter!
    • Remember to add a new project or role if you wish to add new developers with other roles and project.
  3. We can also add a client to our CodeContact.
    • Enter the command add-client n/Amy p/88765423 e/amy@example.com a/31, Clementi Ave 6, #03-12 r/Client pr/AndroidApp o/Google do/google.com.
    • Try adding more clients with different details for each parameter!
    • Remember to add a new project or role if you which to add new client with other roles and project.
  4. Let us try editing the name of a developer stored in CodeContact.
    • Enter the command edit-developer 1 n/Jhonny.
    • Try editing other parameters or developers and projects too!
    • More details of what you can edit can be found here.
  5. We can also easily find for information in CodeContact.
    • Enter the command find-developer n/John s/4500.
    • Try looking for other information and search with multiple parameters!
    • More details of what you can find can be found here.
  6. You can always show the full list after finding in CodeContact.
    • Enter the command list-developer, list-client or list-project.
  7. You can delete developers, clients or projects in CodeContact.
    • Enter the command delete-developer 3 to delete the 3rd developer in CodeContact.
    • More details on how delete works can be found here.
  8. If you realise that you did not delete this developer, you can undo this action in CodeContact.
    • Enter the command undo and it will revert your previous actions.
  9. If you realise you actually want it deleted, you can redo this action in CodeContact.
    • Enter the command redo and it will redo your previous actions.

Congratulations! You are now ready to use CodeContact!

To view all our features, you may visit our Features section.

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Security Features Locking Access to features Unlocking Access to features Changing personal password
Password Protection lock unlock change-password
Management Features Developer Client Project
Adding new information add-developer add-client add-project
Deleting information delete-developer delete-client delete-project
Editing information edit-developer edit-client edit-project
Importing information import-developer import-client -
Finding information find-developer find-client find-project, find-deadline
Listing information list-developer list-client list-project
Adding new role add-developer-role add-client-role -
Deleting role delete-developer-role delete-client-role -
Marking Project Deadlies - - mark-deadline, unmark-deadline
Additional Features Finding Help Clearing data Exiting program
Miscellaneous Features View Help help Clear entries clear Exit program exit

Security Features

Password Protection

Project Managers have the ability to grant themselves exclusive access by denying access by others to CodeContact with a personal and customizable password.

Lock : lock

Locks the system by hiding all the information in the tabs on the GUI. It also disables parsing of commands except unlock, help, and delete.

Format: lock

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Locked all data

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Unlock : unlock

Unlocks the system by making all the information visible and allows all commands to be parsed.

Format: unlock pw/Password123!

  • Default password is Password123!.
  • You are highly recommended to change to a different password.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Unlocked all data

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Change password : change-password

Allows for password to be changed, given the current password and new password matches criteria.

Format: change-password pw/CURRENT_PASSWORD npw/NEW_PASSWORD

  • Password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one digit, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one special character.

Example of usage: change-password pw/Password123! npw/NewPass987!

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Password changed successfully.

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Management Features


Add developer : add-developer

Adds a new developer to the address book.


  • Adds the developer with the given details to the address book.
  • Not specifying any PROJECT_NAME will add the developer without assigning them to any projects.
  • Not specifying the DATE_JOINED will automatically use today’s date as the date joined.
  • NAME cannot be the same as another existing developer’s name in the address book. Checks are case-insensitive.
  • If specified, PROJECT_NAME should be the exact name of an existing project.
  • Note that for RATING values that are not in increments of 0.5 (eg. 3.2 or 3.8 instead of 3.0 or 3.5), the decimal portion may not be reflected as clearly in the coloured stars.

Example of usage: add-developer n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 r/Developer pr/AndroidApp pr/CustomWebsite s/4500 d/11-11-2023 g/johng rt/3

  • Adds a new developer John Doe with the respective details, who is assigned to the projects AndroidApp and CustomWebsite, given that they already exist in the address book.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

New developer added: John Doe;
Phone: 98765432;
Email: johnd@example.com;
Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25;
Date Joined: 11-11-2023;
Role: Developer;
Salary: 4500;
Projects: CustomWebsite AndroidApp

:bulb: Entered details of a developer incorrectly? You can always undo the action with the undo command!

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Add client : add-client

Adds a new client to the address book.


  • Adds the client with the given details to the address book.
  • Not specifying any PROJECT_NAME will add the client without assigning them to any projects.
  • NAME cannot be the same as another existing client’s name in the address book. Checks are case-insensitive.
  • If specified, PROJECT_NAME should be the exact name of an existing project.

Example of usage: add-client n/Jack Doe p/98765432 e/jackd@example.com a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 r/Developer pr/AndroidApp pr/CustomWebsite o/Google do/google.com

  • Adds a new client Jack Doe with the respective details, who is assigned to the projects AndroidApp and CustomWebsite, given that they already exist in the address book.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

New client added: Jack Doe;
Phone: 98765432;
Email: jackd@example.com;
Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25;
Organisation: Google;
Role: Developer;
Document: google.com;
Projects: CustomWebsite AndroidApp

:bulb: Entered details of a client incorrectly? You can always undo the action with the undo command!

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Add project : add-project

Adds a new project to the address book.


  • Adds the project with the given details to the address book.
  • Not specifying any deadline will add the project without assigning deadlines to it.
  • NAME cannot be the same as another existing project’s name in the address book. Checks are case-insensitive.

Example of usage: add-project n/JuiceApp dr/App to allow for different juices to be ordered dl/19-12-2023,Design backend,HIGH,0 dl/25-12-2023,Design frontend,MEDIUM,0

  • Adds a new project JuiceApp with the respective details.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

New project added: JuiceApp;
Description: App to allow for different juices to be ordered;
1. Design backend by: 19-12-2023, priority: HIGH (undone)
2. Design frontend by: 25-12-2023, priority: MEDIUM (undone)

:bulb: Entered details of a project incorrectly? You can always undo the action with the undo command!

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Delete developer : delete-developer

Deletes developer in the address book.

Format: delete-developer INDEX

Example of usage: delete-developer 2

  • Deletes second developer in the developer list from the developer list and from the address book.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Deleted Developer: Bernice Yu;
Phone: 99272758;
Email: berniceyu@example.com;
Address: Blk 30 Lorong 3 Serangoon Gardens, #07-18;
Date Joined: 16-11-2020;
Role: Developer;
Salary: 6000;
Projects: Appollo Orbital

if second developer in the list was Bernice Yu.

:bulb: Deleted a wrong developer? You can always undo the action with the undo command!

Delete client : delete-client

Deletes client in the address book.

Format: delete-client INDEX

Example of usage: delete-client 3

  • Deletes third client in the client list from the client list and from the address book.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Deleted Client: George Lim;
Phone: 76543210;
Email: george@example.com;
Address: Blk 789 Woodlands Ave 6, #03-03;
Organisation: MNO Company;
Role: Developer;
Document: https://www.mno.com/;
Projects: CodeContact

if second client in the list was George Lim.

:bulb: Deleted a wrong client? You can always undo the action with the undo command!

Delete project : delete-project

Deletes the details of an existing project in the address book and updates developer and client project details accordingly.

Format: delete-project INDEX

Example of usage: delete-project 2

  • Deletes second project in the project list from the project list and from the address book.
  • Deletes project from developers’ and clients’ project lists if they were assigned to this project.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Deleted Project: TeamTrekker;
Description: A team collaboration tool;
1. Phase 2 by: 13-11-2021, priority: MEDIUM (undone)

if second project in the list was TeamTrekker.

:bulb: Deleted a wrong project? You can always undo the action with the undo command!

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Edit developer details : edit-developer

Edits the details of an existing developer in the address book.

Format: edit-developer INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [d/DATE_JOINED] [r/ROLE] [s/SALARY] [pr/PROJECT_NAME]... [g/GITHUB_ID] [rt/RATING]

  • Edits the developer at the specified INDEX in the currently displayed developer list.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing projects, the existing assigned projects of the developer will be removed i/e. adding of projects is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the developer’s projects by typing pr/ without specifying any project name after it.
  • NAME cannot be the same as another existing developer’s name in the address book. Checks are case-insensitive.
  • You can, however, edit the casing of an existing developer’s NAME.
  • PROJECT_NAME should be the exact name of an existing project.
  • Note that for RATING values that not in increments of 0.5 (eg. 3.2 or 3.8 instead of 3.0 or 3.5), the decimal portion may not be reflected as clearly in the coloured stars.

Example of usage: edit-developer 2 p/98989898 pr/Project2 pr/Project3

  • Edits Amy’s phone number to 98989898 and changes the projects assigned to her to Project2 and Project3.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Edited Developer: Amy
Phone: 98989898
Email: amy@u.nus.edu
Address: NUS UTOWN
Date Joined: 06-09-2023
Role: Developer
Salary: 6999
Projects: Project3 Project2

:bulb: You can always undo the action with the undo command!

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Edit client details : edit-client

Edits the details of an existing client in the address book.


  • Edits the client at the specified INDEX in the currently displayed client list.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing projects, the existing assigned projects of the client will be removed i/e. adding of projects is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the client’s projects by typing pr/ without specifying any project name after it.
  • NAME cannot be the same as another existing client’s name in the address book. Checks are case-insensitive.
  • You can, however, edit the casing of an existing client’s NAME.
  • PROJECT_NAME should be the exact name of an existing project.

Example of usage: edit-client 3 e/bob@gmail.com

  • Edits Bob’s email to bob@gmail.com.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Edited Client: Bob;
Phone: 87654321;
Email: bob@gmail.com;
Address: Blk 123 Banana Road;
Organisation: Google;
Document: google.com
Projects: ProjectA

:bulb: You can always undo the action with the undo command!

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Edit project details : edit-project

Edits the details of an existing project in the address book.

Format: edit-project INDEX [dr/DESCRIPTION] [dl/DEADLINE]...

  • Edits the project at the specified INDEX in the currently displayed project list.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing deadlines, the existing deadlines will be removed ie. adding of projects is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the current deadlines by typing dl/ without specifying any deadline.
  • The name of a project cannot be edited.

Example of usage: edit-project 1 dl/19-12-2023,Design backend,HIGH,0

  • Deletes existing project deadlines and adds new deadline Design backend by: 19-12-2023, priority: HIGH (undone).

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Edited Project: JuiceApp;
Description: Juice ordering app;
1. Design backend by: 19-12-2023, priority: HIGH (undone)

:bulb: You can always undo the action with the undo command!

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Import developers’ details : import-developer

Takes in a CSV file and populates the internal list of developers if the file is formatted correctly.

Format: import-developer [FILENAME]

  • Note that the CSV file has to be in the same folder as the JAR file for the command to function correctly.
  • The CSV file has to strictly follow the column header names and order for the import to function appropriately.
  • The command will abort if any of the rows have invalid data format.
  • Example of valid CSV:
Name, Contact Number, Email, Address, Date Joined, Role, Salary, GithubId, Rating, Projects,,
John,123456789,john@email.com,123 Main St,01-01-2021,Developer,4000,JohnDesigns,4,AndroidApp,ProjectB,
Sarah,987654321,sarah@email.com,456 Elm St,05-10-2019,Developer,6000,SarahManager,5,AndroidApp,ProjectB,ProjectC
Alex,555555555,alex@email.com,789 Oak St,03-01-2022,Developer,5500,AlexDev,4,AndroidApp,ProjectB,
Emily,111111111,emily@email.com,321 Pine St,08-10-2018,Developer,4800,EmilyAnalyst,4,AndroidApp,ProjectB,
Michael,999999999,michael@email.com,567 Birch St,06-03-2020,Developer,7000,MichaelEngineer,5,AndroidApp,ProjectB,

Example of usage: import-developer developers.csv

  • Imports developers.csv and adds a new developer for each row of data.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

New developer added: faiz;
Phone: 87654321;
Email: faiz@u.com;
Address: utown;
Date Joined: 12-12-2020;
Role: Developer;
Salary: 3333;
Projects: ProjectB AndroidApp

for each developer successfully added.

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Import clients’ details : import-client

Takes in a CSV file and populates the internal list of clients if the file is formatted correctly.

Format: import-client [FILENAME]

  • Note that the CSV file has to be in the same folder as the JAR file for the command to function correctly.
  • The CSV file has to strictly follow the column header names and order for the import to function appropriately.
  • The command will abort if any of the rows have invalid data format
  • Example of valid CSV:
Name, Contact Number, Email, Address, Role, Organisation, Document, Projects,
Jane,654321876,jane@email.com,456 Oak St,HR,Acme Corp,acme.com/docs,AndroidApp
Robert,987123456,robert@email.com,789 Elm St,HR,Tech Solutions,techdocs.com/123
Maria,321987654,maria@email.com,123 Maple St,HR,Innovate Inc,innovate.com/docs
Chris,876543219,chris@email.com,567 Pine St,HR,Data Insights,datainsights.com/docs
Laura,888555555,laura@email.com,101 Birch St,HR,Software Systems,software.com/docs

Example of usage: import-client clients.csv

  • Imports clients.csv and adds a new client for each row of data.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

New client added: Mahi;
Phone: 87554321;
Email: mahi@u.com;
Address: utown;
Organisation: Google;
Role: HR;
Document: docs.google.com/abd;
Projects: ProjectB AndroidApp

for each client successfully added.

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Find developer details : find-developer

Finds the details of an existing developer in the address book.

Format: find-developer [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [d/DATE_JOINED] [r/ROLE] [s/SALARY] [pr/PROJECT_NAME] [g/GITHUB_ID] [rt/RATING]

  • Finds for developers based on the attributes provided.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be compared to the input values, and the results will include any items that match the provided criteria.
  • You can combine multiple attributes for a more specific search.
  • The search is case-insensitive, so you can use any case for the search criteria.

Example of usage: find-developer pr/2103T rt/5.0

  • Prints developers in 2103/T project with a 5-star rating.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

This is the one developer with matching information.

followed by the matching developer’s details in the GUI.

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Find client details : find-client

Finds the details of an existing client in the address book.

Format: find-client [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [o/ORGANISATION] [pr/PROJECT] [d/DOCUMENT]

  • Finds for clients based on the attributes provided.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be compared to the input values, and the results will include any items that match the provided criteria.
  • You can combine multiple attributes for a more specific search.
  • The search is case-insensitive, so you can use any case for the search criteria.

Example of usage: find-client o/Google r/Senior developer

  • Prints clients from Google with the Senior developer role.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

These are the 2 clients with matching information.

followed by the matching clients’ details in the GUI.

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Find project details : find-project

Finds the details of an existing project in the address book.

Format: find-project [pr/PROJECT_NAME] [dr/DESCRIPTION] [dl/DEADLINE]

  • Finds for projects based on the attributes provided.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be compared to the input values, and the results will include any items that match the provided criteria.
  • You can combine multiple attributes for a more specific search.
  • The search is case-insensitive, so you can use any case for the search criteria.

Example of usage: find-project pr/JuiceApp

  • Print projects with the name JuiceApp.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

This is the one project with matching information.

followed by the matching project’s details in the GUI.

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Find deadlines : find-deadline

Finds deadlines in project tab based on date and/or priority.

Format: find-deadline [d/DATE] [pri/PRIORITY]

  • When finding deadlines based on DATE, the project tab displays deadlines due before or on the specified date.
  • When finding deadlines based on PRIORITY, only that priority (HIGH,MEDIUM, LOW) deadlines are shown.

Example of usage: find-deadline d/20-11-2023 pri/MEDIUM

  • Shows deadlines due before or on 20-11-2023 and with MEDIUM priority.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

These are the 3 projects with matching information.

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List information : list

Shows a list of all developers in the address book.

Format: list-TYPE

  • Lists the specific type of thing you are asking.

Example of usage:list-developer

  • Lists all the developers.

Acceptable parameters:

  • developer to list the developers
  • client to list the clients
  • project to list the projects

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Listed all developers

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Add roles

Add developer roles : add-developer-role

Adds new developer roles into the system.

Format: add-developer-role ROLE_NAME

  • Adds the ROLE_NAME to list of developer roles.
  • There are 3 preset roles in the list of roles: Frontend Developer,Backend Developer,Developer.
  • You will not be able to add a developer to a role that does not exist in this list of developer roles.

:exclamation: Note :This command is not case-sensitive, even if Developer is a role, developer can still be added.

:bulb: If you wish to check what roles are there, you can key in delete-developer-role <anything random>, <anything random> should not be an existing role.

Example of usage: add-developer-role Tester

  • Adds the Tester role to list of developer roles.
  • You can now add developers with Tester as their roles.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

New role for developer added: Tester

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Add client roles : add-client-role

Adds new client roles into the system.

Format: add-client-role ROLE_NAME

  • Adds the ROLE_NAME to list of client roles.
  • There are 4 preset roles in the list of roles: HR,Manager,Developer,Client.
  • You will not be able to add a client to a role that does not exist in this list of client roles.

:exclamation: Note :This command is not case-sensitive, even if HR is a role, hr can still be added.

:bulb: If you wish to check what roles are there, you can key in delete-client-role <anything random>, <anything random> should not be an existing role.

Example of usage: add-client-role Boss

  • Adds the Boss role to list of developer roles.
  • You can now add clients with Boss as their roles.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

New role for client added: Boss

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Delete roles

Delete developer roles : delete-developer-role

Delete developer roles from the system.

Format: delete-developer-role ROLE_NAME

  • Deletes the ROLE_NAME to list of developer roles.
  • There are 3 preset roles in the list of roles: Frontend Developer,Backend Developer,Developer. These roles cannot be deleted.
  • You will not be able to delete a developer role if there are developers in the list with that role.

Example of usage: delete-developer-role UI Manager

  • Deletes the UI Manager from the list of developer roles.
  • You can no longer add developers with UIDesigner as their roles.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Role for developers deleted: UIDesigner

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Delete client roles : delete-client-role

Delete client roles from the system.

Format: delete-client-role ROLE_NAME

  • Deletes the ROLE_NAME to list of developer roles.
  • There are 4 preset roles in the list of roles: HR,Manager,Developer,Client. These roles cannot be deleted.
  • You will not be able to delete a client role if there are clients in the list with that role.

Example of usage: delete-client-role Boss

  • Deletes the Boss from the list of developer roles.
  • You can no longer add clients with Boss as their roles.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Role for clients deleted: Boss

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Mark project deadline as done : mark-deadline

Marks the indicated deadline for the project as done.


  • PROJECT_INDEX and DEADLINE_INDEX must be valid indexes of existing projects and deadlines.

Example of usage: mark-deadline 2 1

  • Marks the 1st deadline of the 2nd project in the currently displayed project list as done.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

The deadline has been marked as completed!

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Mark project deadline as undone : unmark-deadline

Marks the indicated deadline for the project as undone.

Format: unmark-deadline PROJECT_INDEX DEADLINE_INDEX

  • PROJECT_INDEX and DEADLINE_INDEX must be valid indexes of existing projects and deadlines.

Example of usage: unmark-deadline 2 1

  • Marks the 1st deadline of the 2nd project in the currently displayed project list as undone.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

The deadline has been marked as undone!

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Undo : undo

Undo the previous command you entered.

Format: undo

  • Each time you type undo, you move back one stage.
  • If you made 5 changes, and you wish to undo, you can enter the command undo 5 times. The system will remind you when you cannot undo anymore.
  • undo works for all edit, add-TYPE and delete commands.

Example of usage: undo

  • You just deleted a new developer, and you wish to undo.

When command succeeds, CLI shows:

Undo successful! The change below has been undone:
Deleted Developer: Amy;
Phone: 83566674;
Email: amy@example.com;
Address: 42, Clementi Ave 7, #02-2;
Date Joined: 23-11-2023;
Role: Frontend Developer;
Salary: 5000;
Projects: CustomWebsite AndroidApp

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Redo : redo

Redo the previous command you undid.

Format: redo

  • Each time you type redo, you move forward one stage.
  • You can only redo if you have undo before.
  • If you undid 5 changes, and you wish to redo, you can enter the command redo 5 times. The system will remind you when you cannot redo anymore.
  • redo works for all edit, add-TYPE and delete commands.

Example of usage:

  • You just undo delete developer, and you wish to redo to add it back. When command succeeds, CLI shows:
Redo successful! The change below has been redone:
Deleted Developer: Amy;
Phone: 83566674;
Email: amy@example.com;
Address: 42, Clementi Ave 7, #02-2;
Date Joined: 23-11-2023;
Role: Frontend Developer;
Salary: 5000;
Projects: CustomWebsite AndroidApp

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Additional Features

Miscellaneous Features

Listed below are some miscellaneous features that are available in CodeContact to improve your user experience.

Viewing help : help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

Format: help

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Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all entries from the address book.

Format: clear

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Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

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Feedback System [coming in v2.0]


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous CodeContact home folder.

Q: How can I launch CodeContact if the clicking on the JAR file does not work?
A: There are two possible methods to launch CodeContact.

  • Method 1: For users familiar with the command prompt
  1. Open the command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the JAR file is located using cd [JAR file location].
  3. Type java -jar CodeContact.jar and press enter.
  4. CodeContact should launch.

  • Method 2: For users that wish to create a script to launch CodeContact (Recommended)
  1. Create a new text file.
  2. Type the following into the text file: java -jar [JAR file location]/CodeContact.jar.
  3. Save the text file as CodeContact.bat (Windows) or CodeContact.sh (MacOS/Linux).
  4. Change the admin settings of the script to allow it to run as a program:
    • Windows: Right-click on the script and select Properties. Under General , check the box that says Allow this file to run as a program.
    • MacOS/Linux: Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where the script is located. Type chmod +x [script name] and press enter (chmod +x changes permissions of the script to allow it to be executed).
  5. Double-click on the script to launch CodeContact.
  6. CodeContact should launch.

Q: How can I check my java version?
A: Open a command prompt and type java -version. If you do not have Java installed, you can download it here.

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Known issues

  1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.
  2. When tampering with the storage files, if you tamper with the storage files leading to incorrect format, the application will not be able to read the data and will throw an error. The remedy is to delete the addressbook.json file created by the application before running the application again.

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Command summary

Action Format, Examples
lock lock
unlock Format:
unlock pw/PASSWORD
unlock pw/Password123!
change password Format:
change-password pw/CURRENT_PASSWORD npw/NEW_PASSWORD
change-password pw/Password123! npw/Password123!
add developers Format:
add-developer n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 r/Developer pr/AndroidApp pr/CustomWebsite s/4500 d/11-11-2023 g/johng rt/3
add clients Format:
add-client n/Jack Doe p/98765432 e/jackd@example.com a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 r/Developer pr/AndroidApp pr/CustomWebsite o/Google do/google.com
add projects Format:
add-project n/JuiceApp dr/App to allow for different juices to be ordered dl/19-12-2023,Design backend,HIGH,0 dl/25-12-2023,Design frontend,MEDIUM,0
edit developers Format:
edit-developer 2 p/98989898 pr/Project2 pr/Project3
edit clients Format:
edit-client 3 p/bob@gmail.com
edit projects Format:
edit-project INDEX [dr/DESCRIPTION] [dl/DEADLINE]...
edit-project 1 dl/Finish Feature-A by: 09-09-2023
find developers Format:
find-developer pr/<Project Name>
find-developer pr/2103/T
find clients Format:
find-client n/<Name>
find-client n/Amy
find projects Format:
find-project dr/description
find-project dr/school semester project
find deadlines Format:
find-deadline [d/DATE] [pri/PRIORITY]
find-deadline d/20-11-2023 pri/MEDIUM
delete developer Format:
delete-developer INDEX
delete-developer 1
delete client Format:
delete-client INDEX
delete-client 1
delete project Format:
delete-project INDEX
delete-project 1
import developer Format:
import-developer [FILENAME]
import-developer developers.csv
import client Format:
import-client [FILENAME]
import-client clients.csv
add developer role Format:
add-developer-role ROLE_NAME
add-developer-role UIDesigner
add client role Format:
add-client-role ROLE_NAME
add-client-role Boss
delete developer role Format:
delete-developer-role ROLE_NAME
delete-developer-role UIDesigner
delete client role Format:
delete-client-role ROLE_NAME
delete-client-role Boss
list Format:
mark deadline Format:
mark-deadline 2 1
unmark deadline Format:
unmark-deadline 2 1
undo undo
redo redo
clear clear
exit exit
help help

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